52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Saturday 18 May 2024

Tiffany Johnson Creative #100daysartplay Challenge - Day 91

Today is Day 91 of the Tiffany Johnson Creative #100daysartplay challenge, this is the last day with the prompt of "inks".

This was a quick make card.  I found a small piece of kraft card, only 4"x4" - it was one of those situations - do or ditch.  I decided to use it.

Going through my stamps, I came across a set from my scrapbooking days, I think it was by 7gypsies and has not seen the light of days for around fifteen or more years!  I decided to address this by using a couple of the stamps from the set.

I rubbed an anti-static bag over the surface of the kraft card, popped it in my stamping platform then using a Wow! Clear Embossing Pad, coated the stamp and stamped.  I did this a couple of times as the Kraft card tends to absorb the ink quicker than normal card.  I then covered the inked area with Wow! Opaque Bright White Embossing Powder and heat set. Finally mounting the kraft card on to a white card blank.


  1. Beautiful card and a great invested stamp from years ago Sam.. xx

  2. The white ornate circle really stands out beautifully over the kraft card Sam and great that you used these stamps which you haven't used for many a year as they are very pretty and deserved to be inked again. x

  3. Beautiful, reminds me of Belgian lace, great stamp with lots of possibilities x

    1. Thanks so much. I know what you mean about it looking like lace x
