52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Thursday 21 March 2024

Tiffany Johnson Creative #100daysartplay Challenge - Day 33

Today is Day 33 of the Tiffany Johnson Creative #100daysartplay challenge.  This week is all about texture. For my make, I've gone for a more industrial look today using foils.

I started off with two plain tags.  With one tag, I tore off a piece of copper coloured foil tape and stuck it vertically down the centre of the tag.  I then put that to one side.

I tore off a length of silver coloured sticky back foil tape, scrunched it up into a ball and then smoothed it over the surface of the second tag, using an old store card to get it relatively flat.  I then covered the foil tape with a black Sharpie pen.

Next, I used a die with a herringbone style to cut the central pattern, retaining the small cut out pieces.

I buffed the Sharpie covered foil, lifting the majority of the pen, but leaving remnants in the creases of the foil and around the die cut area.

Around the edges of the copper foil tag, with the foil facing upwards, I added double sided sticky tape, peeling off the paper and then laying the silver foi tag on top of the copper one.  I smoothed the edges to ensure they were fully stuck.  

I then mounted the tag on to a piece of black card and cut it to size.

Finally, using wet glue I stuck the small pieces of die cut around the edges, these still had the darker colour so there was a nice contrast.  Then I added two Tim Holtz "Idea-ology Big Chat" word stickers saying "Waiting Within" to give a nod to the warmth of the copper colour showing through the die cut area.


  1. Sam so impressed with your tag and your technique as mentioned on your blog is so clever... thanks for always sharing what and how you do things xx

  2. What a wonderful industrial look on this tag Sam, and I love the copper with the silver and the herringbone pattern down the centre looks great, and the silver with the remnants of the black Sharpie and then the pretty bright silver on the rest is a wonderful contrast..a brilliant design. x
