52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Sunday 10 March 2024

Tiffany Johnson Creative #100daysartplay Challenge - Day 22

Today is Day 22 of the Tiffany Johnson Creative #100daysartplay Challenge.  It is also the start of a new week of prompts.  This week is all about household objects.

For my household object for this tag, I have covered a tag in an Asda supermarket till receipt in a collage format, so torn and overlapping till the tag was covered. I then slightly diluted the Paperartsy Acrylic Chalk Paint in an orange shade called "Cayenne" and painted over the till receipts so that the detail just pokes through in areas.

Once dry, I used a white Posca Pen to splatter paint across the surface of the tag.

Next, using Versafine Clair "Medieval Blue" I stamped the doodle patterns vertically on the tag, using a Funky Fossil Designs stamp called "Doodle Borders".  While the ink was out, I inked the edges of the tag.

I mounted the tag on to a piece of dark blue card cut to tag shape.  Finally, going around the edges and filling some of the doodle areas in using a turquoise coloured Posca Pen.


  1. Love this!❤️ Sam the colours are just brilliant xx

  2. I missed this one and realised that a new week of the 100 days had started, and hadn't seen any, so went back for a look. I love your use of a torn up till receipt as the base Sam, and the pretty colours including the background orange and the turquoise are a great combination for the vertically stamped doodle borders..a great look and clever design. x
