52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Wednesday 27 March 2024

Tiffany Johnson Creative #100daysartplay challenge - Day 39

Today is Day 39 of Tiffany Johnson Creative #100daysartplay challenge.  This week is all about using charcoal and pastels.

For my card, I started by using the "Permanant Red 340.5" Pan Pastel, blending it in an rough circle in the middle of a square shaped card.

Over the top of the red circle, I lay the Funky Fossil Designs "Buddah Stencil", securing it with a piece of tape.  I then used "Black 800.3" Pan Pastel through the stencil.  I removed the stencil and then gave the surface a waft of hairspray to set the pastels.

Using wet glue, I added Cosmic Shimmer gold gilding flakes from the bottom left hand corner to the top right. I then added splatters of white paint across the surface.

Finally, I mounted the card on to a piece of black card and then added dots of "Copper Pearl" Liquid Pearls around the gilding flakes.  I also added a few dots of gold using a gel pen too.

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