52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Friday 15 March 2024

Tiffany Johnson Creative #100daysartplay Challenge - Day 27

Today is Day 27 of the Tiffany Johnson Creative #100daysartplay Challenge.  This week is all about using household items. For my tag, I have used an instruction sheet from a box of medication, torn and pasted, collage style, using Distress Collage Medium on to a tag base.

Over the top of that, I have masked off horizontal stripes.  In each alternate stripe, I have painted "Candy Floss" Pink Paperartsy Acrylic chalk paint.

Once the paint was dry, I used a black fine liner pen with a ruler to edge the pink stripes.

I used Versafine Clair "Rain Forest" ink to stamp the Penny Black "Breezy - 40-111" cling stamp over the background design.  I then inked the edges of the tag using the same ink.

Finally, I mounted the tag on to a piece of matching green card, punched a hole in the top and added a large button to the tag.  The button had been lurking in my stash for some time, so it was a good reason to make use of it!


  1. Another great idea using the medication instruction sheet as a collaged background Sam and the masked pink horizontal stripes work brilliantly over the top, and finished with some pretty stamped leaves, and the perfect coordinating colour of button. x
