52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Monday 25 September 2023

Lavinia Stamps "Winter Berries" Tag

Sorry, I know, I've been missing in action for a long time.  I've been away on a canal boat with Hubby and Rosie the dog.  We had a lovely relaxing time, pootling along at a maximum four miles per hour.  We got home yesterday and I am ploughing my way through the mountain of dirty washing.  Four loads done and a few more to go yet.

Normally, when I am away I am itching to get back to my craft desk, but it felt different this time.  it felt very much take it or leave it.  Obviously, that didn't last long as I got up at silly 'o clock (the gusting wind outside woke me) and decided to craft. It felt good to be at my desk, but I also felt a bit rusty too, which I feel is reflected in this tag a bit.

I used a piece of white card, cut into a tag shape.  Masking off the lower (snow section) of the tag with a piece of copy paper, I coloured the sky area using Distress Oxide "Blueprint Sketch" ink.  I then used a fan shaped paint brush with water to created splatters over the inked area, blotting it, which created the mottled sky. I removed the mask and set aside to dry.

With ink left on my blue blending brush, I created the snow landscape, using thie Lavinia Stamps "Hill Mask". I then used white acylic paint to splatter the white dots over the sky area to create the look of snowflakes.

I used Versafine Clair "Rain Forest" green ink to stamp the Lavinia Stamps "Fir Branch" in first and second generation stamping.

Next, I used Versafine Clair "Morning Mist" grey ink to stamp sections of the Lavinia Stamps "Small Branch" stamp.

I stamped the Lavinia Stamps "Winter Berries" and "Mini Winter Berry" in Versafine Clair "Acorn" brown ink.

I moved on to colouring the berries, using both orange and red Posca Pens and a white gel pen.  I used a silver Signo glitter pen to add a bit of sparkle to the tag, and edged the white area with"Blueprint Sketch" Distress Oxide Ink.  I used a white gel pen to add lines of white above the branches along with touches of Ranger "Enamel Accents".

I mounted the tag on to a piece of dark green card, which I thought complimented the colour of the branches.  Finally adding Ranger "Glossy Accents" to some of the berries to make them appear to be 3D.


  1. Sam I just love this tag, the berries are coloured beautifully and the background is stunning xx

  2. A stunning wintry tag,the depth of colour on the berries is beautiful

  3. I'm glad to you had a lovely trip on a canal boat and it is so relaxing. I think that this tag is beautiful and love the bright and pretty berries and snowy background. We did a couple of weeks on a canal boat about 35 years ago and it was great fun. x

    1. Thanks Pat.

      This is the 5th time we've hired a canal boat, but for the longest period of time, a full fortnight. We love it, the weather was very mixed, but we discovered some lovely places.

      One of the plus things about being on the narrow boat is that when we get home it makes us feel very grateful for all the space we have here x
