52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Wednesday 9 August 2023

Patchwork Lap Quilt Update

You may remember a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I had purchased a small quilting kit at a charity shop.  I really enjoyed hand quilting it, so decided to pull out a UFO (unfinished object) from the depths of the cupboard, which will eventually be a lap quilt.

The history of it so far: about seven years ago, I cut and machine pieced the top of the quilt.  It then got put away in a cupboard.  A few years on, I took it out and sandwiched the pieced top, the wadding and the backing together by tacking/basting the layers together.  It got put away again.

Today, the lap quilt saw the light of day again. I decided to draw on the quilting designs.  I used a  large and medium size glass pudding basin and a Pringles lid to draw the circles on to the fabric.

Now all that is left to do is the little, tiny job of hand quilting... wish me luck.  It could take some time, but I will hopefull get it done over the coming cooler months.


  1. Look forward to seeing the finished result

    1. Today, I quilted a set of four concentric circles, so that is a start!

  2. This is beautiful and the colours are lovely Sam, definitely worth finishing and look forward to seeing how it progresses. x
