52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Thursday 20 July 2023

52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge - 2024

For those of you who have followed me for a few years, you may remember that in 2017,2018 and 2019 I ran a weekly tag/art card challenge called "A Crafting Niche - 52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge", where I gave the group a weekly prompt and shared a tag I had made on that theme, then the members would create a tag on that theme too.  

At the end of 2019, I decided to stop the challenge as my circumstances at home had changed and also I was having more and more Design Team commitments too, so something had to give.

I found it interesting to see the different tags and the individual interpretation of the prompt.  The challenge is suitable for all abilities. For those who had struggled with their "crafting mojo" doing a disappearing act, it seemed to trigger people to get crafting again, which is no bad thing.

I have always loved making tags and after speaking to a friend, decided I would ask on the challenge  Facebook group (this is the link to the private group) if people would be interested in taking part.  A few have shown interest so I have decided I will go ahead with the challenge, starting in January 2024.

However, the start date is quite a distance away, so I plan to set a monthly prompt and share a tag of that theme at the start of each month to set the challenge in motion and allow people to prepare their base tags.

If you scroll to the top of this blog page, you will see a banner to the right of the "Home" button, titled "52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge" this is where you can see the prompts I have used in previous years and where the prompts for 2024 will be detailed too.

I'll be providing more details about the challenge soon, but for the mean time, please do check out the Facebook group and join if you are interested in taking part, also please let your crafting friends know, they might want to join in too. Here's the link to the Facebook group.

Sam x

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