52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Sunday 1 January 2023

Dotting Mandala Art - First Attempt

Hi, how was your New Year?  Our was very quiet.  Just Hubby, Rosie the dog and myself, watching the TV.  We did manage to stay up till around 1am though and have had a lazy start to the first day of 2023.

I was fortunate to receive a Dotting Mandala Art starter kit as one of my Christmas presents.  It is something that I have wanted to try for some time, so I was thrilled when I opened the gift. 

There is lots of room for improvement and I now know that the acrylic paints that have been lurking at the back of my craft cupboard are not the best suited for this type of craft.  Because they've been opened and been around for a while, the consistency was too thick.  The yellow paint specifically was not easy to work with, which resulted in a clumpy look.

I think the paint needs to be more fluid, more like the texture of double cream before it's been whipped? as you can tell it is all a bit trial and error, but we all have to start somewhere.

I found doing this very therapeutic.  I think it is going to be an ideal craft to do when I get up in the middle of the night and my mind won't stop thinking.  I think this will be very calming to do - well fingers crossed anyway.


  1. What patience you have Sam, it must have taken ages to apply all those dots of paint,the colours are beautiful together, look forward to seeing the next one

    1. Thank you. It was quite speedy once I knew what I was up to. The starter kit had tools, but no instructions, so I just tried basic dots. I'm sure things will improve with practice x

  2. My goodness this is a great first attempt at this dotting art mandala Sam and looking forward to seeing what comes next. x
