52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Sunday 11 December 2022

Day 7 of "Karen Telfer's 24 Days of Tags Challenge 2022"

It's hard to believe that I have made a whole week of tags, part of Karen Telfer's "24 Days of Tags 2022" challenge.  If you would like to take part, here is her tutorial fon her Facebook Group.

I've more or less followed Karen's instructions to the tee.  I added an extra embossed "Fir Cone Branch" and added snow laying on top of the fence posts. I also decided to leave out the snowflakes.  I liked it as it is.

The stamps used are by Lavinia Stamps, using their "Pheasant" and "Fir Cone Branch" stamps. The pheasant was stamped in Versafine Clair "Nocturne" black ink.

For the embossing I used the Wow! Clear embossing ink pad, Wow! White Embossing Powder and an antistatic bag.

Distress Oxide Inks used on the tag were:  Mustard Seed, Candied Apple, Tumbled Glass and Blue Print Sketch.

For the snow, I used Dr Ph. Martin's paint to splatter and paint the snow on the fence post.

It's interesting when following the tutorial of somebody else, as sometimes, I find myself saying to myself that "I would do it this way"! and working against my natural grain sometimes seems very strange.  An example of this was stamping/embossing the fir cone branch.  If it were me, I would have used clear embossing powder and stamped and embossed first thing, before any ink hit the page.  So I guess what I am saying is that we all work in different ways, some may work better than others, but we all get to the same destination in the end.


  1. Stunning Sam, just adore your tags... yeah no admins around to help with commenting but guess it's my group so up to me... a bit tiring last couple of days though xx

    1. Oh I can imagine. I've been in your situation and it is hard to keep up with everything, especially when the group has grown like yours has.

      Thank you for taking the time and stop by my blog and comment x

  2. A stunning background, the touch of colour in the sky is beautiful the white pine cones, black fence and pheasant look brilliant against it

    1. Thank you very much. I really love the way the colours have worked with this one x

  3. This is a fabulous little scene Sam, and I love the silhouette pheasant over the snowy background, and the added bits of yellow and red do look like the sun coming up, and also the shadowy hills. The white embossed pinecone branches and the added snow on and round the fence posts, and of course the falling snow looks great. I know what you mean about everyone having their own way of doing things, and I think I would probably have done the white embossing first so that you are less like to get stray bits sticking to the inky surface, but I suppose in this case if would just look like added snow anyway. x

