52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Monday 25 January 2021

Frenchic "Hornblower" - An upcycling furniture project

For a while now, I've been thinking about upcycling a few pieces of small furniture items I have around the house.  I managed to click and collect the Frenchic items I'd ordered at the weekend, so it was time to get cracking. 

I opted for a dark blue Frenchic colour from their Lazy Range, called "Hornblower" as I thought it would work well in my craft room, as generally everything is light in colour in there.

I started by scrubbing the little square side table down with a sugar soap solution, to take of any dirt and dust that had gathered over time.  Once dry, I then lightly sanded the piece and then gave it another wipe of sugar soap solution and rinsed off leaving to fully dry.

I was apprehensive to start painting, but as I didn't really have anything to lose by doing it, I went ahead.  The first coat wasn't good, I was expecting better things.  The second was a lot better and just to give a full coverage, I gave it a third coat.  I added to coats of the "Finishing Coat solution" to preserve the paint work.

I'm quite happy with the way it's turned out.  I have a further two items lined up to paint, which I will post about here once they're done.  I think this could become addictive... I'm already looking at my utility room kitchen cupboards with a view to a freshen up paint finish!