52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Saturday 5 December 2020

Lavinia Stamps "Ash" and "The Fairy Hives" Tag

Having taken a break from crafting for a few weeks, it feels so good to be back in the swing of things again.  Today, I've made quite a dark tag with a selection of Lavinia Stamps and Stencils.

I started with a Distress Oxide Spray Ink background.  I'd made it such a long time ago, that I don't recall what colours I used.  I placed the new Lavinia "Elegance" stencil over the top of the background and used "Mowed Lawn" Distress Oxide ink through the stencil.  I gave it a blast from the heat gun, to ensure it was dry before multi-stamping "Embrace your dreams" verse stamp from Lavinia along the left hand side, graduating to across the bottom of the tag.  I stamped the verse in second generation "Morning Mist" a Versafine Clair grey coloured ink.

Next I stamped "Ash" the fox.  I used two Versafine Clair colours for him, first "Tulip Red" then "Acorn" a warm brown ink.  I stamped the Lavinia "Tree Branch" in Versafine Clair "Pinecone" brown ink and then stamped the "Fairy Hives" in Versafine Clair Acorn" ink.

I used a white Posca Pen to add some white detail to the fur and to the tree.  I used a metallic gold pen to add detail to the "Fairy Hives" and a copper coloured Liquid Pearls to the tree and to the Fairy Hive.

Finally, I inked the edges of the tag in "Crackling Camp Fire" Distress Oxide ink and then gave a thin border using Versafine Clair "Acorn" brown ink before mounting the tag on to a piece of dark red cardstock.


  1. Wonderful tag,love the background and and stamping,the fairy hives look like baubles hanging from the tree
