52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Monday 15 June 2020

Sunday Bunday Marathon Baking Session

Yesterday was "Sunday Bunday" baking challenge.  The challenge set by my friend this weekwas to make strudel.  I opted for an apple and raising strudel.  I'd never made one before, I cheated a little as I used shop bought filo pastry rather than making it myself... it seemed to much of a faff.  The finished strudel came out well and tasted lovely.

As I had some apple left over, I decided to make a chocolate and apple cake due to the fruit, which turned out well too.  It is quite a moist cake and tastes heavenly.

Today I have a friend who has a local removals business delivering a piece of furniture to the house.  I asked about payment and he said make some cake, so for him and his men, I have made a cherry and sultana traybake and a dozen chocolate chip muffins.

My final bake of my marathon baking session was a couple of Bara Briths.  I was so happy with the way they turned out last week, I thought I'd make more.  

All in all, yesterday was really lovely.  As you can see I baked, cleared the kitchen and then while I was waiting for things to cook I read, finishing my  31st book of this year.  I've read some cracking books recently and my "to be read" list seems to be increasing by the day.  Too many books and not enough time.

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