52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Sunday 3 May 2020

Sunday Bunday Challenge - Swiss Roll

Recently a friend of mine has been setting a challenge to bake on a Sunday, calling it "Sunday Bunday".

I wasn't aware of the challenge for the first week, which was Hot Cross Buns, but since then, I have made Chocolate Eclairs (they looked rather rustic, but tasted fabulous),  last week was Cinnamon Buns (they too had a rather individual look to them, in hindsight I should have put them in a larger tin, but tasted wonderful). The challenge for today was Swiss Roll.

I've actually made one before, but enjoyed making this quick bake, it was done and dusted with in three quarters of an hour.  I opted for a traditional jam swiss roll.  The swirl in the middle is a little flat so definitely wouldn't get a handshake from Paul Holywood but at the end of the day it is home baked and very unlikely to come out uniform.  It tastes ok too!

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