52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Wednesday 30 October 2019

Funky Fossil Giveaway Results

Apologies for the delay in posting the result, I've been away for a few days.

On Saturday 19th October, Sarah of Funky Fossil held a giveaway of a stamp set of one of the new designs.

Each Design Team member wrote a giveaway post on their blog.  All people who commented on the posts had their name entered into the hat to have a chance of winning.

On my blog I had ten people comment on my give away post.  To make it fair to all.  I wrote the name of the person commenting with the date and time on a pad and cut the details into strips, which I then folded.  I asked Hubby to randomly select one strip.

The winner was "Sue 19th October at 09:21"  congratulations Sue (of Silly Moo Cards & Gifts).  I have messaged you.

Thank you to everybody who took part and showed an interest in my blog.  Sam x

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