52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Friday 14 June 2019

Printing backgrounds using stencils

I've been playing with stencils and how to replicate the image in a different way.

I used Distress Oxide Inks in the shades of Mustard Seedm Spiced Marmalade and Picked Raspberry.  I used a stripe Clarity stencil for this tutorial.

I randomly inked the stencil, ensuring there was a decent coverage of ink across the stripes.  I then spritzed the stencil with water.

I then flipped the stencil on a piece of cardstock.  Using a piece of kitchen paper, I gave a little pressure to ensure there was contact between the stencil and the paper.  The kitchen roll absorbs and surface ink that squishes out of the side.

Lift the stencil to reveal the coloured stripes.  You will notice that there is still quite a lot of ink left on the stencil, so I spritzed it again and repeated the process a further two times.

These are the three takes from the one inking of the stencil.

I inked the stencil again using the same colours and had a further play, I turned the card around creating a coloured grid background which I quite like.

I also tried the same technique using Distress Inks, but it wasn't as successful, I'm not sure why.  

However, I did like the look of the lower images, which was where I was cleaning the stencil with a wet wipe and it left a lovely coloured pattern.

I used Distress Inks on these tags too and the pattern is patchy, however they won't go to waste and will appear on a future project no doubt.

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