52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Saturday 29 September 2018

When Crafting Goes Wrong!

Generally, when my crafting goes wrong I can salvage a piece by covering areas or just re-working it. Sadly this was not the case with this.  

Having created a Brusho background in the shades I wanted, I waited for it to fully dry, I taped a stencil into place and applied the texture paste through the stencil.  I let it sit for a few minutes before I lifted the stencil.  Unfortunately, the paste spread and blurred in the middle of this master piece, also now that the paste is dry, the white has picked up some of the base colour.  

I guess, it doesn't matter how much crafting you do, you are always on a learning curve.  I now know I need to perfect this technique and consign this piece to the bin :(  Maybe now is a good time for a coffee!


  1. Great Brusho background and TBH it didn't look bad at all-maybe different in real life?shame you coulnd't salvage it
    Carol x

    1. Ah thank you Carol. But I knew it wasn't how I wanted it to be and I couldn't unsee it after x

  2. You see the booboos but actually I wouldn’t have noticed unless you told. The beauty of a handmade card is also in its imperfections:)
