52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Sunday 5 August 2018

Week 32 - 52 Week Mini Art Card / Tag Challenge 2018

The prompt for Week 32 of the challenge is "Food"

I decided to use a fruit stamp for my tag this week.  It's by Stampin' Up from their "Studio Sketches" set.  I coloured the image with Promarkers.  Then cut a rectangle and attached it to the wooden frame.

For the background of the tag, I used an orange Promarker.  On the two long edges I used a Stamper's Anonymous stamp from their "ornate trims" set.

I then cut a length of patterned paper with a trellis design and another with a grid design and stuck them to the tag, then added the framed fruit picture.


If you're interested in this challenge, click on the button to the right of the "home" button for all the info. Please feel free to join in the challenge on the Facebook page too.


  1. Love the framed fruit stamp and the texture stamp down the edges
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. I have lots of off-cuts of patterned paper and I hate to throw them away, but storing them is a problem, so at least I've used two pieces x

    2. I keep all my offcuts too but they seem to be growing keep forgetting to check if I can use any!!!
      Carol x
