52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Saturday 2 June 2018

Brusho Paint Play

Many years ago, maybe even 15 years! I did a City & Guilds Foundation Course in Patchwork and Quilting.  A lot of the content of the course was playing with texture, colour, design etc and it was while I was on this course that I bought this box of Brusho paints.

This little box of colours has been hidden in the depths of my college work for all these years.  For some reason, last night I got to thinking about them, so rummaged about and found them.  As it's been such a long time since I have played with these paints, I really didn't have any expectations, but thought I'd see what they were like.  I was surprised to find that they were in excellent condition.  I've tried each one and made a little colour key, so that I know the depth of colour each once can offer.

As I needed to add small amounts of water to the powder/granules I used an old Calpol syringe left behind from my Grand children's last visit.  It's ideal for adding drop by drop of water to get the exact colour shade you're after.

Like any crafter will tell you, sometimes things can get a bit messy.  This photo of my right hand is proof that a crafter has been active.  I do hope that it will wash off eventually!

Hope you have a great weekend.  Sam x


  1. I love Brushos and thank you for the tip about the syringe I have a few of those from grandaughters -have you tried hand gel to clean hands
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. The majority of the ink has come off now, just traces around and under nails. I'll just have to do more washing up instead of using the dish washer :D
