52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Saturday 16 June 2018

A Card for Dad (Visible Image Vintage Car)

My Dad passed away over 14 years ago and I miss him daily.  Every advert on TV seems to talk about Father's Day at the moment and it's odd not thinking about buying a gift and card, so today I made a card for my Dad.  I know he won't receive it, but it feels the right thing to do.

I have used a Visible Image "Vintage Car" stamp for the central image on a Distress Oxide background.  For the rest of the area I have used some old red rubber stamps that have not seen the light of day for a very long time.


  1. It's a lovely card Samantha. I lost my Dad twenty seven years ago and I still miss him very much too. I've also made a card for him which I'll be posting tomorrow. I love how you've created your card. The background is superb and the car stands out beautifully x

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and comment on my little blog of makes. Dads are so special. I'm glad I'm not the only one to be making a card for somebody that has passed x

  2. Beautiful card ,image and fabulous background-I lost my Dad,Mam and younger brother 10 years ago all three in just over a year-we have my mam and dads ashes scattered under a tree in our garden
    Carol x

    1. Thank you Carol. So sorry to hear about your family. That must have been very hard for you x
