52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Friday 8 December 2017

A New Family Member

Apologies for the lack of crafting yesterday and more than likely today too. You may remember that a few weeks ago we said a final goodbye to our gorgeous girl Polly.  Since then, our house has seemed so empty without a dog.

Yesterday, we drove to Hull and back to collect this gorgeous girl called "Rosie".  She is a liver and white coloured springer spaniel and is 14 months old.  She is totally loopy and we love her already.  Here she is exploring the back garden in the hail.


  1. I am so happy for you, she'll certainly keep you on your toes xxx

  2. Thank you Tracey. Home is feeling much nicer now we have Rosie with us. You're right about her keeping me on my toes. I've not had a chance to craft since she arrived here!

  3. Aww. I lost my furry baby at the end of October, I know exactly what you mean about the quiet. They are such a presence. What a lovely girl, she's all legs, bless! They can never be replaced, but I hope Rosie brings you much happiness. Once she's settled in I'm sure you will have time to craft again xx

    1. Dawn, thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. It is so difficult when we lose our pets. Rosie has now been with us a week and we love her to bits. She is very different to Polly, but we are so pleased to have her in our lives and she has filled some of the void that Polly left x
