52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Monday 16 January 2017

Week 3 - 52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge 2017

Week 3 Prompt is "Winter".

Little did I know when I set the prompts that this week would be so apt with recent weather conditions, however, I am feeling a little cheated as we have not had snow here in Anglesey!

My thoughts on Winter are "Cold, Clear, Starry Nights = Frozen Puddles" in the morning.  Which I attempted to interpret with this tag.

This was actually my third attempt at a tag for this prompt.  Who would have thought it could be so difficult!  I was originally aiming for the the feathered frozen windscreen effect you get when you need to de-ice the car, but it just wasn't working for me, so I moved on to "Plan B". My crafting attempts don't always work the first time!  Here are the tags I ditched.

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