52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Monday 9 January 2017

Week 2 - 52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge 2017

So here we are on the second week of the challenge.  Week 1 has really flown past.  The prompt for Week 2 is "Reuse/Recycle".

For my tag, I  started by tearing a section off a cardboard box, stripping the paper layer on one side to expose the ridged middele layer.  I then used some white emulsion paint to coat the piece of card.  While that was drying, I rescued other bits and pieces from the recycle box.

The next was the waxed paper from a sleeve of breakfast cereal (Weetabix).  I scrunched the paper then lightly smoothed it.  I then inked the paper using a grey colour, which hit only the high spots on the paper, creating a mottled/marbled/textured effect.  Other items I rescued were clothes tags, black and white bar codes from products and a section of an entrance ticket.

I also used some sections of die cuts from my scrap paper box and a stamped image.  Adding a stray button and some tags too.

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