52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

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Thursday 16 June 2016

The Creation Of A Lampshade.

Last week on TV, I watched a programme on BBC4 at 9pm called "Make! Craft Britain".  It was a fantastic programme featuring two crafts.  Intricate paper cutting and making an embellished lampshade.  You can watch this programme on iplayer by clicking this link.

I absolutely loved the programme as the people teaching the craft were obviously loving what they do and they were not talking down to the group of mixed ability learners in their charge. Reknowned embroidery expert, Marna Lunt was the expert for the embroidered lampshade.  She creates amazing work. Have a look at her site for more information. Having watched the programme, I felt inspired to have a go at the lampshade. So ordered the lampshade kit which has now arrived. (I ordered mine from on-line shop Elephant In My Handbag).

I have an idea of the landscape view that I would like to interpret on a lampshade and have started to sort through my fabric stash for suitable bits.  Most of my fabrics are suitable for dressmaking or patchwork, so I popped along to a local charity shop in search of some woollen tweed type fabrics.  I actually came away with a bag full of goodies, including jackets, shirts, scarves to name just a few.  They've now been washed and are waiting for me to get creative with.

I am feeling a little nervous now that the background work has been done and that I can now start creating.  I suspect it will be a work in progress for some time.  I'll keep you posted.  Here's a photo of some of my fabric selections so far.

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